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should I get assessed?

Dyslexia, a common learning difference affecting reading, writing, and spelling skills, often goes undiagnosed until adulthood. Many individuals, especially those in their 20s to 50s, begin to question if they might have dyslexia after experiencing persistent difficulties with literacy tasks that their peers handle more easily. Let dive deeper in the reasons to consider getting tested for dyslexia, the potential benefits, and the considerations that might lead someone to decide against formal assessment.

Young Adults Facing Academic and Professional Challenges

For many in their 20s and 30s, higher education and the demands of a professional career can exacerbate previously manageable difficulties with reading and writing. These individuals might have been able to cope with their dyslexia through high intelligence or strong compensatory strategies during school but now find themselves struggling as texts become more complex and the volume of required reading and writing increases.

Parents Recognizing Their Own Struggles in Their Children

Adults in their 30s to 50s might notice problems in their children that remind them of their own school experiences. When their children are tested for dyslexia, it often prompts parents who were never tested themselves to seek assessment. Given the hereditary nature of dyslexia, there is a significant chance that one or both parents might also have the condition. These parents might consider getting tested to better understand their own difficulties and to embark on the journey of understanding dyslexia together with their children.

Individuals Previously Diagnosed with ADHD

Dyslexia and ADHD often co-occur, and some individuals diagnosed with ADHD might discover that they also have dyslexia. The symptoms can overlap, making it challenging to distinguish between the two without a thorough assessment. Understanding both conditions can help in managing each more effectively.

A colorful clay art scene depicting a child studying at a desk with books and school supplies, framed within an orange border with decorative elements.
The Benefits of Getting Tested
Clarity and Self-Understanding

A formal diagnosis can provide clarity and validation, helping individuals understand why they have faced certain challenges. This knowledge can be empowering, leading to improved self-esteem and a better understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses.

Access to Support and Accommodations

With a dyslexia diagnosis, individuals can access specific support and accommodations at work or in educational settings. Tools like the Dyslexie Font, designed to make reading easier for dyslexics, or additional time for exams can make a significant difference.

Strategic Career and Life Planning

Knowing about dyslexia can help in making informed career choices and life decisions, leveraging strengths and seeking environments that are more supportive of neurodiversity.

Considerations Against Testing
Cost of testing on dyslexia

In 2024, the cost of a dyslexia assessment can range from 500 to 1000 euros, which might be prohibitive for some. While this is a significant expense, it’s important to weigh it against the potential long-term benefits of understanding one’s cognitive profile.

Workplace Disclosure Concerns

Some individuals fear that disclosing a dyslexia diagnosis at work might lead to misunderstanding or even discrimination. It’s crucial to consider the workplace environment and the potential impact on one's career.

No need for an test

If you're fairly certain you have dyslexia and don't feel it's worth confirming with a test because it won't really change anything for you afterward, the cost are indeed quite high.

The Future of Dyslexia Testing

Advancements in technology, such as AI-driven Eye Tracking, promise to make dyslexia testing more accessible and extremely affordable. These innovations could greatly improve access to diagnosis, making it more accessible, allowing more people to effectively understand and manage their dyslexia.


Deciding whether to get tested for dyslexia is a personal choice influenced by individual circumstances and needs. For those struggling with unexplained difficulties in reading and writing, seeking a diagnosis can provide valuable insights and open doors to support and accommodations such as the Dyslexie Font. However, it's also valid to choose not to undergo formal testing, especially considering the financial and potential professional consequences.

Ultimately, understanding yourself and finding effective ways to deal with it is key. Dyslexia is a part of who you are, and it's always beneficial to know everything about dyslexia because it's more than just reading and writing. This way, you understand yourself fully. Even though the beginning of this journey can sometimes be tough, I've never met anyone who regretted starting this discovery journey in the long run.

Whether through formal assessment or self-discovery, acknowledging and embracing dyslexia can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.