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Dyslexic Fonts: Improving Readability for All

the quest for legibility and readability has been a continuous journey, dating back to the late 19th century when the need for clear signage in urban settings spurred font designers to explore various typographic styles. This pursuit has led to the creation of different typefaces, some aiming to enhance readability for the general population "neurotypicals"


A great example of an sans-serif font as alternative to traditional serif fonts is the Akzidenz Grotesk (1898) and later follow up with Helvetica, gained popularity for their clean, straightforward appearance, especially in signage and on computer screens. Arial, a font familiar to many due to its inclusion in Microsoft Word, further solidified the prevalence of sans-serif typefaces in everyday communication.

The discussions about font legibility between serif versus sans-serif. Research has delved into which typefaces are most readable for different demographics, where academics that are great readers prefer Serif fonts where it is most used within Universities and general population prefer Sans Serif fonts. This preference is attributed to the reduced visual clutter inherent in sans-serif typefaces, making them easier to decipher.

The discussions and reserach about font legibility between serif versus sans-serif is still going on from end of 19 century untill now.


Even among neurodivergent individuals with dyslexia, approximately 4% prefer serif fonts, though the reasons behind this preference remain unclear. Conversely, about 96% of people with dyslexia generally prefer sans-serif fonts due to their less cluttered appearance when reading. However, with this in mind you know that there's no universal typeface solution that caters to all individuals with dyslexia.

During the 1990s and early 2000s, there were couple attempts to create fonts specifically for dyslexic individuals. However, these efforts were predominantly led by individuals without dyslexia. They collaborated with designers, drawing on research on legibility, and adhered to conventional typeface design principles. Despite their good intentions, the resulting fonts often featured mirrored letters and adhered closely to traditional typographic rules, ultimately failing to have a significant impact.


In 2008, Christian Boer, a graphic designer who himself has dyslexia, embarked on a unique endeavor. Drawing upon his firsthand experience with dyslexia and his expertise in graphic design, Boer began his journey by focusing on the errors he encountered while reading and writing. By examining these errors, he gained valuable insights into the cognitive processes at play in dyslexic individuals' minds. By using these insights as a foundation, he set out to develop a solution tailored to address the specific needs of dyslexic individuals.

Crucially, Boer's personal experience with dyslexia provided him with a deep understanding of the dyslexia, enabling him to understand the working of the dyslexic brain. This intimate knowledge, coupled with his background in graphic design, positioned Boer uniquely to create a font that truly resonated with dyslexic individuals and effectively addressed their challenges.

Image below is from research of Dyslexic Advantage where Dyslexie Font is compared to other typefaces where it is clear the best font for dyslexics.

Diagram presenting research results comparing different typefaces for individuals with dyslexia, with Dyslexie Font by Dyslexic Advantage showing the best performance.

Following the widespread media attention Dyslexie Font garnered after 2011, there was an increased interest in creating typefaces tailored for individuals with dyslexia. Some individuals attempted to replicate Dyslexie Font's design principles, albeit without a full understanding of their rationale. For instance, they applied similar design rules without grasping their underlying significance, such as making the underside of letters bolder, despite certain letters like "o" not requiring such modifications when inverted.

On the other hand, there were those who ventured into designing their own fonts, guided by their unique ideas and design philosophies. These endeavors varied widely in approach, reflecting the diverse perspectives and creative processes of their creators.


Despite the emergence of various dyslexic fonts, Dyslexie Font remains most preferred dyslexic font among dyslexic readers, as by research conducted by the Dyslexic Advantage.

It's essential to recognize that while dyslexic fonts like Dyslexie Font offer significant benefits to many individuals with dyslexia, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Factors such as individual preferences, familiarity with specific regular typefaces, and psychological barriers may influence, like not willing be helped. Just asked the person with dyslexia itself what they need.


The website of Dyslexic Advantage.

The Best Font For Dyslexia